Category: Uncategorized

How to Write a Wrestling Scene

SHARE THIS SITE WITH THE WORLD! Part One Who’s wrestling, what for, where at, and…

How to Write a Falling in Love Scene

SHARE THIS SITE WITH THE WORLD! Part One Male or female falling in love? Age…

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How to Write a Bromance Scene

SHARE THIS SITE WITH THE WORLD! NOTE: Bromance is a non-romantic but close relationship between…

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How to Write a Healing Scene

SHARE THIS SITE WITH THE WORLD! Part One How long has the character been ill?…

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SHARE THIS SITE WITH THE WORLD! Part One Who is going? Where/What are the hunting?…


SHARE THIS SITE WITH THE WORLD! Warning: Read the following scene with caution. It is…

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Surprise Pregnancy Scene Outline

SHARE THIS SITE WITH YOUR FELLOW WRITERS! Use this content to help you type your…

How to Write a Combat Training Scene

SHARE THIS SITE WITH THE WORLD! Part One Decide whether the character(s) is already in…

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How to Write a Rescue Scene

SHARE THIS SITE WITH THE WORLD! Part One What are they being rescued from and…

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How to Write a Theme Park Scene

Coming Soon!

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